Rabia Friedman


Art Direction, Branding, Illustration, UX / UI, Visual Design

I am an illustrator, visual designer, and writer who is passionate about helping people come up with solutions. I find excitement in the weird and mundane parts of life. Humor and empathy are a must in my work. I hope my designs can make the world a more humane, sweet place.

Unwind Magazine

  • Art Direction
  • Layout
  • Print Design
  • Visual Design

I created a magazine with articles centered around building/sustaining connection, finding inner peace, mental health resources, and covid era-specific tips. The goal of this project was to provide people with ways to cope with a very unique set of circumstances we all collectively are experiencing.


  • Art Direction
  • Illustration
  • Packaging
  • UX / UI
  • Web Design

Many people love wine but feel overwhelmed by all of the options. Shoppers often perceive wine culture as exclusive and lack the knowledge to enjoy the different varieties on the market. We created a service that demystifies wine purchasing in an approachable and fun manner.

Oasis Tea Zone Rebrand

  • Art Direction
  • Branding
  • Visual Design

We created a brand guidebook for local bubble tea shop Oasis Tea Zone. We also created various applications of the branding such as merchandise, signage, advertising, and a landing page.

Thank you!

I would like to thank my professors, classmates, therapist, friends and family for their support these past two years. It's been a challenging and rewarding time and I could not have gotten through this program without my community. You all mean so much to me! And a very special shout out to my mom who is my biggest cheerleader. Love you!